肿瘤细胞代谢异常的分子机制 The cancer cell metabolism reprogramming in cancer development
The metabolism reprogramming in cancer cells is one of the cancer hallmarks. The cancer cell metabolism is quite different from that of normal corresponding cells, partially due to the genetic alterations of oncogene and tumor suppressor genes. This provides the opportunity to identify the metabolic vulnerabilities of cancer cells caused by different driver genes, which may lead to the discoveries of potential small molecular inhibitors. Taking urological tumors as the starting point, our research group uses molecular cell biology, animal models and molecular imaging techniques to explore the molecular mechanisms of cancer cell metabolism in the processes of cancer initiation, recurrence and metastasis.
肿瘤复发和转移过程中肿瘤细胞和环境的互作的分子机制 The interplay between cancer cells and tumor environment during cancer recurrence and metastasis
During tumorigenesis, cancer cells are tightly intertwined with the tumor micro- and macroenvironment. One of our research interests is to understand the formation of niches for cancer cell survival under various selective pressures. The characterization of the molecular mechanisms underlying the interplays between cancer cells and the non-malignant cells, such as fibroblasts and various immune cells, will prompt us to design innovative methods for cancer prevention and intervention in near future.